Reiki Flows Into the Chakras

Executive summary abourt reiki usui By Colettellen McMahon

Reiki is complementary energy medicine. Its premise is that dis-ease is an imbalance of energy. The imbalance is in the aura, meridians and chakras of the body causing it to become unhealthy. Reiki is the loving universal life force that surrounds everything and everybody. Reiki practitioners channel it to flow through the seven chakras to help heal any dis-ease that may be present.

In Sanskrit, 'chakra' means a spinning wheel of energy or vortex. Chakras act as energy centers. A central column of energy runs through the body and connects the seven chakras. They transform information between the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical levels of the body.

Each chakra has a number, location, name and color. Each is attached to an organ and system and is associated with a gland or glands. An affirmation can be used for each to help remedy issues of a particular chakra.

CHAKRAS number, name, location; color; organ/system; gland(s); issues; affirmation: 
1st) Root or Base chakra-located near the tailbone; color is red; excretory systems and spine; adrenal glands; issues are survival and grounding; affirmation "I have"

2nd) Sacral chakra-located just below the navel; color is orange; reproductive system; glands are testes and ovaries; issues are sexuality and creativity; affirmation "I feel"

3rd) Solar Plexus chakra-located between the bottom or the rib cage and navel; color is yellow; digestive system; gland is pancreas; issue is personal power; affirmation "I can"

4th) Heart chakra-located in the center of the chest; color is green; circulatory system; thymus gland; issue is love; affirmation "I love"

5th) Throat chakra-located at the base of the throat; color is blue; lungs and throat (vocal); thyroid and parathyroid glands; issue is communication; affirmation "I speak"

6th) Third Eye chakra-located in the center of the forehead; color is indigo (purple); lower brain, nervous system, ears, nose, eyes; pituitary gland; issue is vision; affirmation "I see"

7th) Crown chakra-located top of head toward the back; color is violet; upper brain; pineal gland; issue is connection to spirit; affirmation "I know"

When giving a treatment, the Reiki practitioner will lay hands gently or hover hands a few inches directly above each chakra to channel Reiki's healing universal energy into each. Intuition guides his/her hands to chakras that need energy balancing for optimal physical and mental health.