Executive summary about reiki usui By Patrick Ray
These techniques are designed to enhance your Reiki practice and
ensure comfort between yourself and your client.
1) Before channeling Reiki, rub your hands together briskly for
a few seconds. This simple technique stimulates the energy centers in your
hands and can enhance your ability to establish a connection to your client.
This technique also helps to signal your intent to begin.
2) Coordinate the flow of Reiki with your breathing. Place your
hands on or near your client, and take a deep breath inward. Exhale fully and
allow Reiki healing energy to flow along with the breath. When you inhale
again, allow the energy to build and let it out again with the exhale. This
technique is tremendously effective and enhances your own health by encouraging
healthy breathing habits. If you are giving a Reiki massage, this technique can
help you entrain your breath with your client.
3) When using Reiki hand positions, remember to keep your
fingers together and your hands lightly cupped. This isn't absolutely
necessary, it's important to follow your own intuition in the healing arts, but
most of the time, this simple technique enhances the flow of Reiki energy.
4) Maintain contact. When using hands-on Reiki, you can maintain
strong connection with your client by always maintaining light physical
contact. When shifting hand positions, simply move one hand to the new
location, then follow with your second hand. This ensures a smooth, harmonious,
and uninterrupted Reiki session.
5) At the beginning of a Reiki healing session, holding your
hands a few inches above your client, scan over their body and pay attention to
sensations in your hands. This technique, sometimes called Byosen scanning,
helps to locate areas that need special attention. It's a technique based on
trusting Reiki to know where it will do the most good. Sensations include
feelings of warmth, cold, or tingling. These sensations can also be felt in
your own body, oftentimes as a feeling in your stomach or chest. Trust your
instincts. Any sensation, no matter how small, indicates an area you should
stop and give Reiki for a few moments.