Reiki Attunement - Welcome to the World of Reiki

Executive summary about reiki usui by Resko Zukic

What is reiki attunement?
Access to reiki is gained through so called reiki attunement or initiation process. This is ceremony in which reiki teacher performs pre-set number of positions which can varie between different reiki styles. There are several types of reiki attunements: 

·                 Attunement in person

·                 Attunement via absent reiki or distant attunement

·                 Self attunement

Reiki attunement in person
This is probably most known type of reiki attunements. As the word itself implies reiki student will attend "life" reiki 1 seminar. It is common that during reiki 1 attunement reiki student receives four attunements. This of course varies from teacher to teacher. Each attunement last fro about 15-20 minutes. Some teachers recommend some preparation regime such as but reiki attunement will work without that as well.

Distant or absent reiki attunement
The technical aspect of distant attunement itself is the same as attunement in person and it is done via absent reiki (using the symbols for distant reiki). Student and teacher would set the time for this attunement and student would ensure that he/she is not disturbed during this process. Usually reiki student will receive some material before the attunement process itself so he/she can read about that and ask the question before the attunement process itself.

Reiki self attunement
This kind of reiki attunement is rather little bit controversial to say the last. The system itself is based on empowering the student to believe in his/her own abilities and power to take charge of his or her life. No need to have guru who will tell you if you are ready or not. Reiki student will prepare and carry out the self attunement ceremony. He/she will get all she needs to carry out this type of attunement.