What is a Reiki Attunement?

Executive summary about reiki usui By Roberta R. Barnes

What is a Reiki AttunementThe word attunement became a popular way to refer to opening another's pathway to universal energy around the 1980s. The dictionary meaning for attunement is being or bringing into harmony, or a feeling of being at one with another being. Being in harmony with anything requires balance within and being in a state able to receive. Therefore, to be opened to the form of energy commonly called Reiki you must be in a receiving mode, and no one can force Reiki on anyone.

The spiritual practice of Usui Reiki Ryoho uses one unique form of universal energy different from life force energy, which is why you must be opened to that form of universal energy by a qualified Reiki Shihan (teacher).

Each time you receive an initiation/empowerment/attunement from a Reiki Shihan (teacher) a shift happen es within your mind, body or spirit as your pathway to the universe opens a bit wider to allow more universal energy to flow through you. To completely open up to be one with the universe, which is beyond human comprehension, would take years of study, discipline, and practice.

Healing is a by-product of Usui Reiki Ryoho; the form of energy called Reiki balances and surrounds with harmony so that health and happiness can happen.

Once you have been opened to universal energy (attunement) and you have learned how to bench the logical mind and ego Reiki can flow into and enhance everything positive in your life.

Reiki Training - What Do The Different Reiki Training Levels Signify?

First Degree Reiki Training
Reiki first degree is concentrated on training a person all the things they have to know about the art of Reiki. At this point, you'll be trained precisely what Reiki really means and also exactly what it can do for you. It's the point in time at which Reiki masters give the students an in-depth description about the Reiki. This can include where it originated, just how to administer it, as well as the appropriate way of using it. Once the principles are shown along and also the mental, emotional, and physical natures of the student are thoroughly equipped, some hands-on training normally takes place.
On finishing the initial level of Reiki training, a student will know how to use the Reiki energy for self-healing. The exact same energy may well also be channeled to assist other folks, more expressly their particular relatives and acquaintances. First degree Reiki might also stimulate personal as well as spiritual growth in a person.
This specific level of Reiki is for those who basically wish to uncover what Reiki is. Also, it is for the people who want to discover ways to heal themselves and others. Following this level, you'll be able to elevate your own spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical state. It could actually successfully prevent sickness in the family, also letting you restore by way of massage and physiotherapy.
Second Degree Reiki Training
Second degree Reiki training leads people to the deeper understanding of the ancient method of Reiki healing. Here, you will not just simply be ready to heal ailments right on you will be taught more advanced techniques. It is possible to surpass time and space with your healing powers also. Additionally, you will be shown the sacred Reiki symbols at this level, which you can use to cultivate your own awareness of self, healing others, and being able to help them with their lives as much as you strengthen yours.
Throughout the second degree of Reiki training, this flow of Reiki energy inside of you actually intensifies. You are able to further improve your abilities through the use of the great Reiki symbols bestowed upon you. Long range healing will become possible. Consequently, you can potentially heal someone else even when they are miles apart from you. Moreover, it is possible to improve your self-healing abilities together with your spiritual and personal growth. You may be qualified to apply Reiki on other people following the second degree of Reiki training.

Charging For Reiki

Reiki and charging money - a highly charged subject indeed!

If you are not of the Reiki community, you could be forgiven for thinking that anyone working for free or almost free is totally mad.

So what is it about Reiki that is contradictory to charging for one's time? When Reiki first came to the West, people were charged obscene amounts of money to become a Reiki healer. Most of us come to Reiki because of a need for physical or emotional healing. Immediately after the initiation, a Reiki healer starts self-healing each day, and soon progresses onto healing loved ones in need. The Reiki healer then spends months or years in this relationship with Reiki, and it is very hard to suddenly switch to having a financial relationship with Reiki too.

I feel that Reiki is about unconditional love, and that spirituality is about abundance for the highest good. Sandra has also learned Reiki to professional level but since Reiki is spiritual, she will not charge for her Reiki sessions. Reiki is gaining popularity in the UK as a healing modality. Many clients come to me for healing anxiety, depression, joint pain, arthritis, and many other conditions with Reiki. Quite rightly, these Reiki healers, although on paper possessing the Reiki healer certificate, know that they are in no position to charge. Add to the above the proliferation of Reiki healers in the UK today, where competition drives prices down. The fact is that if you charge less, you starve. Hence many Reiki practitioners give up the idea of doing Reiki full-time, as they need to make a living and cannot survive on what they charge. This leads to many Reiki healers competing for even less money, as they can afford to offer it for less part-time.

Many Reiki healers have been drawn to Reiki in order to heal low self-esteem. Somehow along the line, they take professional training but do not complete their self-healing. Then there is the weirdness of the Reiki session as a process. With time and experience, a Reiki healer becomes an active participant in the healing process, and even if this never happens, the results that clients report back are too astounding to be ignored! Since it is unofficial, they do not view the Reiki as paid employment, even though they are being paid and are working as Reiki healers.

My hope is that as Reiki becomes more accepted, this will lead to the support of the Reiki healers that do want to work professionally. This way, more Reiki healers will be able to work full-time. Freedom for chickens would be nice!

10 Tips to Find the Right Reiki Master

By Samantha Hall

If you're looking for a Reiki Master and are willing to enroll in a Reiki school, here are the things that you have to know before enlisting:

1. Reiki proficiency 
It is very important that your master has been working with Reiki long enough to know everything about it, including the techniques not written in any book or manual. His own training is going to be very relevant as well. As much as possible, the teacher should spend ample time teaching the craft and is using it personally.

2. Lineage 
There are different types of Reiki and each of them follows certain techniques and teachings. If you want to learn Usui Reiki, it is very important that you learn the art from a real Usui Reiki master. Know the lineage of your Reiki master as it will determine what type of Reiki he'll teach you.

3. Qualifications 
Certain institutions require qualifications before students are taught the basic principles of the art. But for Usui Reiki, there are rarely any qualifications required. For advanced Reiki classes though, like Karuna Reiki, you would have to be a certified Usui Reiki master first.

4. Classes Coverage 
When learning Reiki, you have to know beforehand what are the things you will learn once you have decided to enroll. Know the total class hours required and how much time is allotted to theoretical instructions and the amount of time given for hands-on practice.

5. Application 
Students should also ask the Reiki master about the things they will be able to do after the training. It should be clear right from the start if the lessons that will be given to you would make you an advanced Reiki practitioner or it would be more for personal use.

6. Fees and certification 
Reiki instructions correspond to a certain amount of money. Know how much you have to pay for the training sessions and whether you'll get a manual and a certification after completing the course.

7. Taking Notes 
Some Reiki masters forbid the use of notes or recorders in their class. This practice can be traced back during the time when Reiki and its symbols are regarded to be sacred. As such, the whole lesson has to be memorized and not written down.

8. Symbols 
The most important elements of the art of Reiki are its symbols. Know straight from the Reiki master whom you'll train under the actual number of symbols you will learn in the course.

9. Support 
A Reiki support group is very essential because through it, you will be able to enrich your knowledge in the art after completing the training sessions. There should be adequate support from your master too - even after you have finished all the necessary sessions with him.

10. Respect and reputation 
Before enlisting for a Reiki training under a master or an institution, it is necessary that you know first whether they enjoy good reputations as Reiki masters and practitioners. They should also be respectful of other practitioners and masters who don't belong to their lineage.

5 Tips to Enhance Reiki Energy Flow for Business and Personal Practice

Executive summary about reiki usui By Patrick Ray

These techniques are designed to enhance your Reiki practice and ensure comfort between yourself and your client.

1) Before channeling Reiki, rub your hands together briskly for a few seconds. This simple technique stimulates the energy centers in your hands and can enhance your ability to establish a connection to your client. This technique also helps to signal your intent to begin.

2) Coordinate the flow of Reiki with your breathing. Place your hands on or near your client, and take a deep breath inward. Exhale fully and allow Reiki healing energy to flow along with the breath. When you inhale again, allow the energy to build and let it out again with the exhale. This technique is tremendously effective and enhances your own health by encouraging healthy breathing habits. If you are giving a Reiki massage, this technique can help you entrain your breath with your client.

3) When using Reiki hand positions, remember to keep your fingers together and your hands lightly cupped. This isn't absolutely necessary, it's important to follow your own intuition in the healing arts, but most of the time, this simple technique enhances the flow of Reiki energy.

4) Maintain contact. When using hands-on Reiki, you can maintain strong connection with your client by always maintaining light physical contact. When shifting hand positions, simply move one hand to the new location, then follow with your second hand. This ensures a smooth, harmonious, and uninterrupted Reiki session.

5) At the beginning of a Reiki healing session, holding your hands a few inches above your client, scan over their body and pay attention to sensations in your hands. This technique, sometimes called Byosen scanning, helps to locate areas that need special attention. It's a technique based on trusting Reiki to know where it will do the most good. Sensations include feelings of warmth, cold, or tingling. These sensations can also be felt in your own body, oftentimes as a feeling in your stomach or chest. Trust your instincts. Any sensation, no matter how small, indicates an area you should stop and give Reiki for a few moments.

De-Stressing with Reiki

Executive summary about usui reiki By Bronwen Stiene

The purpose of a Reiki treatment is to re-align and bring the body into a natural balance physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The energy washes down through the body clearing energetic obstructions and strengthening the flow of this energetic 'river', or the meridians. Therefore, there are similarities between the system of Reiki and other therapies such as acupuncture. The differences are that this system does not manipulate the energy or body, is not intrusive and is an extremely simple technique that anyone can learn and use in complete safety.

A client will find that Reiki works on many levels. This system is not diagnostic and does not aim to achieve specific results. It is believed that the client's body is always in survival mode and will therefore draw the energy where he/she needs it rather than where the practitioner believes it is beneficial. This is why the practitioner cannot harm the client, as it the client's body that is in control of what is energetically happening.

To be aligned or balanced sounds wonderful but what does it mean for the client? Initially, one moves into a deep, restful space and may or may not actually sense the energy according to one's sensitivity. Benefits of this 'giving over' to the energy may be clarity of thought, renewed physical strength, calmness, reduced stress levels, a sense of connectedness as well as the easing of conditions such as insomnia, depression and addiction. True relaxation is reflected in one's face after a Reiki treatment. Stress tightens the muscles and skin and when we relax we look and feel years younger.

Clients do not need to remove any clothing during a treatment and hands are placed either on or just off the body. Practitioners are taught to channel energy from around them through their bodies and out through their hands. The client then draws on this energy. This means that the practitioner does not use his/her own energy and feels refreshed afterwards rather than exhausted. In fact the practitioner is receiving a treatment at the same time as the client -making it beneficial for all involved.

To practise this system it is necessary to learn from a Reiki teacher (often called a Reiki Master). It is possible to integrate Reiki into any health or beauty modality once the practitioner has completed the first level of the 3-part system. If the practitioner wished to work solely with the system of Reiki then it would be suggested that the practitioner complete the second level of the system and join a student clinic to build experience with the energy and on-on-one client skills. The third level of the system continues the practitioner's own personal development and may be used to begin studying toward becoming a Reiki teacher.

Clients today are more interested in spirituality and well-being than ever before. To be able to bring these elements into the traditional clinic environment of a salon or spa, a special atmosphere is created. Clients today expect 'Holistic' treatments. This meaning that they wish to be pampered from every direction including the more mystical and spiritual paths.

It is exciting for clients to know that when they come for a treatment there is likely to be a new element added to the more traditional salon and spa techniques. If a client knows that the practitioner is continually upgrading their knowledge and abilities then the client will also feel confident in such capable hands.

Reiki Psychic Attunement Explained

Executive summary about reiki usui By Tamara Baruhovich 

A Simple Explanation

Let's start by explaining what an attunement is. The word attunement comes from "in tune" and this refers to manipulating the energy to fine-tune or bring into balance the patient's spirit, emotions, feelings, mental processes, and physical body to create synchrony within and oneness with Life Force as a whole.

This procedure may also help in the opening and expanding of the patient's innate psychic abilities. Some advocates of Reiki emphasize that it assists in clearing the concerns that tend to clog the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies which are the cause of turmoil and disease. Moreover, the attunement process brings about the healing energies from the Life Force Energy into the being.

Although Life Force Energy is around us at all times, not every person can easily access and absorb it into their system because if the chakras are out of balance, the blocks prevent the energy to be absorbed and utilized properly.

During the course of the attunement process, all of the metaphysical and universal laws as well as the Law of Similarity and the Law of Correspondence are called for. The Law of Similarity states that if a person, object, event or condition bears any resemblance or similarity -like color, shape, action, etc.- to those of the patient, it can be used for healing purposes as if it were the person or condition itself. And the Law of Correspondence states that every component of a system retains its own characteristics but also takes on the characteristics of the system as a whole, much like a holographic image in which each piece is composed of the total sum of its parts.

These concepts are widely used in distant healing, for example, a photo of the patient is similar to and corresponds to the patient himself.

Reiki and Psychic Ability - Clearing the Misconception

The name psychic attunement is often utilized to describe the process when a Reiki student or patient is being harmonized with Reiki Energy. It's important to make clear that while Reiki may awaken psychic abilities in the receiver, the Reiki Energy, the attunement itself or Reiki practice as a whole is not in any way a psychic phenomena since the practitioner does not make use of his mind's power in the treatment session. Simply put, Reiki is often compared to ESP, telepathy, and mind reading, but it is something quite different in concept and execution.

The term 'psychic' tends to be associated to horoscopes, divination, future tellers, and even the obscure, but this association doesn't reflect the truth. The word psychic comes from a Greek root that means "the mind of the soul." It basically refers to the perception of information without the use of the readily available and well known five senses. In this sense, we are all psychic, even though some of us may have our psychic sense more or less developed than others.

On the other hand, Reiki is the word used in describing the Life Force Energy that encompasses every living creature. "Life force" may exist through different terms and names in various cultures and countries but the entire concept remains the same: it's the energy that encompasses all.

Thus, the practitioners of Reiki are not in any way psychic, so to say. They are people who have gone through rigorous training in expanding their knowledge about life and Life Force Energy in general. They have also learned how the human physical body works from the physiological standpoint, as well as how it responds to the energy around.

Therefore, even though people refer to Reiki treatment as Reiki psychic attunement, it is important to understand that it does not fall under the category called psychic phenomena. During an attunement session, the healer senses the illness or pain when they feel warmth or vibration over one area of the patient's body while they touch or pass their hands over it. Through the attunement they can readily channel Life Force Energy to the ill area to aid in the balance of energy of that particular region, organ or system.

This in turn brings about healing. All the energy channeling is done just with the use of their bare hands, and no psychic phenomena takes place.

The Significance of Crystals in Reiki Courses

Executive summary about reiki usui By Carl U Romero

Crystals are used in the practice of Reiki. The crystals are not a must but they are another dimension to the Reiki experience. Reiki is based on the change in energy fields in the body and the matching of Reiki crystals to the change enhances the treatment. The crystals are beautiful to look at but their main purpose though is to amplify the Reiki healing.

The list is long of the crystals that can be used in the Reiki experience, but here are a few more common ones.

Amethyst is a beautiful translucent purple to clear colored stone that resonates to the Reiki experience. It serves to heighten the consciousness and help forge a connection to the divine; Aventurine is pale to mid green semi-translucent. This stone has connections to both healing and nature, and can helplessness heartache or sorrow; Blue Lace Agate is a pale blue stone and has quartz running through it. The Reiki courses teach this stone has been used for many years as a healing stone.

Citrine, another Reiki crystal varies in color from pale yellow to a golden orange. Reiki courses teach that citrine helps promote wisdom and energy.

Clear Quartz, the Reiki courses suggest helps promote the removal of blockages, as well a cleansing.

Gold Tiger Eye is a banded stone that is brown and golden yellow with a shimmery cat eye effect. Reiki courses suggest that Gold Tiger Eye helps with strength, grounding and material matters and is a stone of protection.

Hematite is opaque and looks black with a metallic sheen, very dense and heavy. Many suggest hematite has associations with fate and predestined events.

The Reiki crystal Red Jasper is also opaque, a deep terracotta color. Red jasper is useful to tell the difference between what is and what is not and to help inspire creativity.

Rose Quartz is translucent and pink. It is a soothing stone that has the properties of forgiveness, comfort and softness. It is great for all things related to feminine reproductive anatomy.

Another Reiki crystal, often mentioned is Snowflake Obisdian, a black crystal with white spots. This stone helps to clear blockages and guide one in the right direction. It also helps give motivation and encouragement by helping one to recognize their potential.

Snow Quartz, a white, opaque stone. This Reiki crystal is known for cleansing and rejuvenation for body and mind.

Sodalite is a blue opaque stone that often has veins of white running through it. Reiki teach that solalite helps one to feel more youthful, bringing joy and relieving a heavy heart.

Unakite is Reiki crystal that is pale green and salmon colored. It is taught that it is great for harmonizing, balancing and blending energy. It helps with grounding and can help resolve conflict.

Reiki and the Care of Pregnant Women

Executive summary about reiki usui By Peter Tremayne

The concept of motherhood is extolled in many cultures. It is sanctified and women are expected to feel fulfilled by it. Yet women have an ambiguous attitude towards it. Some look forward to it with joy. Others would rather not have a baby as they feel it would ruin their figure or they are convinced that they would die during delivery.

The more aggressive women would simply dismiss it as unwanted responsibility. The attitude would make all the difference to the way in which the woman handles her womanhood and pregnancy. The attitude would also impact the unborn child in more ways than one.

Reiki clinics are flooded with women who have physical and psychological problems related to pregnancy. Reiki alleviates many of the symptoms of pregnancy such as morning sickness, excessive tiredness and backache. Reiki helps them adjust to the changes in their body and gives them a positive attitude towards the birth of the child. It emotionally supports the mother and makes her aware of the meaning of motherhood. It also helps the fetus grow normally and often delivery becomes easy for those who have had Reiki just before or during the course of delivery. Reiki improves the bond between the mother and child.

Fathers who wish to support their wives through the pregnancy and develop a bond with the unborn child should consider taking a course in Reiki. They can assist the mother nurture the fetus and ensure its psychological and physical well being by giving Reiki to their wives during pregnancy and delivery. Many fathers who have participated in this exercise have excitedly reported that they can actually feel the fetus move towards the energy when Reiki is given. They have also reported that their bonding with the child is better and they feel that they have contributed to the nurturing of the child in the womb.

Reiki is a gentle energy that brings about transformation of attitudes and even the personality of an individual. Reiki provides the required stimulus to access a different level of awareness and the patient no longer experiences the discomfort and attitudes of the former level of awareness.

Top Five Benefits of Reiki

Executive summary about reiki usui By Meenu Kohli

Now let's take a look at top 5 benefits of Reiki:

1. Reiki will bring stability in not only your life but also in life of those who live around you. I have often noticed that reiki healers are surrounded by such wonderful vibes that their mere presence can resolve difficult situations. Reiki masters have to undergo a lot of transformation in order to enhance the healing abilities. Dr. Mikao Usui has defined five principles which a reiki healer must follow in order to maintain high level of healing ability. The five reiki principles are given below:

• Just For Today I will not be angry 
• Just For Today I will not worry 
• Just For Today I will count my blessings 
• Just For today I will be kind to all living beings 
• Just For Today I will be honest

Those who religiously practice these principles attain peace of mind and are able to tune with the positive energies of the universe.

2. You can expect miracles from these healing techniques. We all have heard about how reiki helps in healing physical ailments but besides that how many of us know that reiki can be effective in resolving problems of all kinds. Intention manifestation is possible with the help of reiki. I have myself used combination of reiki and Feng Shui, reiki & laws of attraction and reiki & angel communication to achieve what I desire. Reiki can solve problems of all kind whether you believe it or not.

3. Reiki work for the highest good of all which means it doesn't harm anyone. Suppose, you are in a difficult situation like you are not getting along with your boss. If you apply reiki to this situation then it will work for the highest good of both of you. Which means that either all the issues will be resolved or good career opportunities will happily separate both of you from each other.

4. It enhances the intuitive abilities. Many times when you are stuck in a difficult situation and you are not able to decide what to do reiki will guide you. Sometimes you can actually feel what's going to happen. Reiki will not allow you to take a wrong step.

5. It is good for healing pets. Animals too respond well to reiki therapy. Reiki is a very soothing and positive energy that helps in reducing physical pain and discomfort especially in animals because animals have pure soul.

Manifesting Your Dreams With Reiki

Executive summary about reiki usui By Ikemesit A Etuknwa

Creative uses of Reiki 

With Reiki the possibilities are numerous. But there are basic requirements that must be fulfilled in order to achieve success. These are:

1.  Our motives must not be wholly selfish. You should, at least, in seeking for something always have some other person(s) in mind. Reiki works better when one is motivated by higher emotions like love, compassion, kindness and so on. So, if you want to work miracles, then let love be the source of all your actions. It as simple as that.

2. Have a clear cut vision about what you want. Build it up within your mind, will it to manifest and take action.

3. We must not doubt the process. Doubt happens to be one of the worst enemies of progress in any field of specialty. Doubt actually blinds us to our capabilities. I don't really understand why one should doubt unnecessarily. If you haven't done a thing before then how do you know it will or won't work? Keep an open mind. If you happen to entertain doubt about the process then it is better you forget it.

4. Let go. When you have done your own part, its time to let your silent partner take over... release it to the universe. It is done.

5.   Also, you have to understand that this is no short cut but an application of natural laws, as such, it doesn't eliminate the requirement of physical endeavour. You have to also work physically as you are working spiritually.

Whenever you want to engage in any energy work with Reiki, the above guidelines will prove to be an indispensable companion. Try it, it works...

Reiki can be used for various other purposes apart from healing. Reiki is very powerful when it comes to manifestation, also, it can be used for protection, for cleansing, for contact with spirits, for virtually anything! All that is needed is just your decision to do it!

Schools of Reiki: Traditional Vs Western

Executive summary about reiki usui by Yaheem B

Here are 5 differences between the traditional Reiki as practiced by Dr. Usui and the western schools: 

1. The traditional school of Reiki, founded by Dr. Usui Mikao in Japan in 1925, classifies the students into 3 levels: "Shoden" for beginners, "Okuden" for advanced Reiki practitioners, and "Shinpiden" for Reiki masters. Most western schools teach Reiki in 3 levels as well but under these different names: Reiki I (or Reiki level 1) for beginners, Reiki II for advanced and distance healing, and Reiki III for masters who can teach and attune others.

2.  In the traditional school of Reiki a student must be invited by a sponsor, while in the western Reiki schools any one can learn Reiki as long as they pay the fee. However, some people paid the fees, got the classes and attunement according to some western schools, and proved that they just don't have it.

3.  It takes longer in the Traditional Reiki school to finish any of the above levels, and any level of Reiki can only be granted after years of practicing in the presence of a supervisor. It took Dr. Usui all of his Reiki-practicing life time to teach only 18 students up to the master level. Western Reiki doesn't involve that long time of one-on-one training. Rather it takes as little as 1 day to finish any of the three Reiki levels. A student can even buy the training online and do it all without seeing their master.

4.  Buddhist practices, including meditation and contemplation, are involved in the traditional Reiki training. In the west, where Christianity is the religion of the majority, they either stick it to Jesus, or teach it in a totally atheist theory.

5. There is one traditional Reiki school, while in the west there are hundreds of them. This is even too confusing for a beginner, for instance, in knowing which one is the true Reiki science to begin with. The result is either rejecting them all or the opposite; adopting one and criticizing the others.

How to Make Reiki Power Symbols Work for You!

Executive summary about reiki usui By Maya Tenney

The reiki master attunes the student by acting as a conduit, using his or her hands to alter the energy flows of the student, thereby creating a conduit which allows the energy to flow through the both of them unimpeded. The cosmic energy that reiki practitioners use is thereby given free play in the body, and the flows from the base of the spine to the top of their head. This river of pure energy is the secret behind the efficacy of reiki energy and the popularity of reiki as a healing method - frequently, both reiki practitioners and patients feel refreshed after a session. This makes these attunements a special experience for both parties, another benefit of reiki.

Stage one of the attunement process, which is meant to benefit the physical, corporeal self of the student, is not where reiki symbols are taught. That comes later, during the second stage, wherein the student is taught the uses of these power symbols as well as the importance of using the right ones for their ends and needs. This attunement opens up the body and allows it access to the spiritual energy contained in the body of the master. The second stage, attunement level 2, is where the reiki symbols are introduced, along with the basic reiki symbol, the reiki power symbol. Whereas the first stage is intended for the opening up of the energies of the body, the second stage sets the body's energies into motion and gives the student the power to contain them and use them beneficially. So the use of the reiki power symbol lies in stage 2, alongside the distance symbol, and the mental symbol. The power symbol is the basic symbol of the reiki method, as it is what signifies the power of the student over the energies that course through his or her body.

3 Way to Know If Reiki Really Works:

Executive summary about reiki usui By Timothy Brainard

First Way to Know If Reiki Really Works:

Understand the Concept

The first way to know if Reiki really works is to get a better understanding of the philosophy behind it. When you can understand the concept, you become more open to a knowledgeable and personal experience of that concept.

Although Reiki was discovered less than 100 years ago, the underlying concept is thousands of years old. Based on the ancient Eastern assumption that everything in existence is, in essence, energy, and that all of life is, at its foundation, simply an infinite interplay of those energies, Reiki is a branch of holistic health and alternative medicine that purports to address the foundational source of a dis-ease or illness (be it physical or mental-emotional), rather than merely cloaking the symptom. This is similar in many ways to other forms of healing within the holistic health system and offers a new perspective from the more analytical, symptomatic view of Western medicine.

Second Way to Know If Reiki Really Works:

The Scientific Explanation

The second way to know if Reiki really works is to gain a deeper grasp of the scientific underpinnings. What's really happening? If Reiki really works, there must be some scientific explanation, right?

Until very recently, there simply wasn't any scientific framework available into which the energetic activity involved during a Reiki healing session could fit. The Newtonian view of the universe provided a staunch and concrete perspective that seemed hopelessly at odds with the ancient Eastern view of existence as energetic interaction. Though many claimed positive effects, there was no scientific basis from which to validate those claims that Reiki really works.

But now, with recent advances in the sciences pointing more and more toward the ancient energetic perspective, Reiki is finding its place as a scientifically validated healing experience.

Quantum scientists are providing the body of research and evidence necessary to understand how and why Reiki really works, and because of the large body of evidence amassed in recent times, many progressive hospitals now offer Reiki as a legitimate pre- and post-operation treatment, because of the exciting fact that Reiki really works!

Try It For Yourself

The third and most effective way to know if Reiki really works, though, is to find a means of experiencing it for yourself. Whether you do a little research and find a Reiki practitioner in your area or decide that you'd like to learn the healing ability for your own personal benefit and for the benefit of those around you, you will be most convinced and best educated by a personal experience of some kind. Though learning Reiki for yourself has typically been a costly venture, it has become more widely available and far more affordable through more recent course offerings like distance-learning programs and home study courses.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by learning Reiki for yourself, and if you're determined to know whether Reiki really works, your best bet is to get "hands-on" and develop a personal judgment based on personal experience.

What Happens at a Reiki Share

Executive summary about reiki usui by Suzanne Zacharia

Reiki First Degree healers join with Reiki Masters and Reiki Second Degree healers, and in some groups, they also join with healers of other modalities and total newcomers exploring their spiritual path. It is an amazing energy gathered in one place. And you also make friendships with regulars and get great support from kindred spirit.

Different Reiki shares are run in different styles. So you can try a few and choose one that suits you. Or you can go to a few each month and enjoy the different experiences at each!

Most groups start with introductions, with everyone saying their name and what they wish to get out of the group.

Then some shares get into groups, say of three people, with one lying on a massage couch and the other two giving them a healing. The Reiki Master running the share monitors the time and asks them to switch after, say, 20 minutes, so that everyone gets a chance to heal and be healed. Some groups also have chairs and couches, and the same happens at the chairs. The chair healing gives great experience of giving a healing in the setting most usually experienced at home, and the couch setting gives a nice treatment and gives the professionals more experience and a taste of what they give! It is really something to be given a healing by two or more people; absolutely heavenly!

Some groups focus on self-healing, where the Reiki Master leads the group into meditation, reflection, and self-healing. Some Reiki Masters incorporate a question-and-answer session or use that time to give supervision and guidance to their students. Most Reiki Masters accept healers from other Reiki Masters and some accept Reiki healers attuned in any discipline. It is a good idea to enquire about whether this is OK when you find investigate the shares in your area.

Some shares also do a Reiki healing circle where they hold hands or heal the person in front train-fashion, linking up as a big circle. This works especially well for the bigger groups. And some healing circles channel healing to others outside the group who have either requested a distance healing or for example to a part of the world that needs healing.

How to Draw Reiki Symbols

Executive summary about reiki usui by Marqus Smith

The question of how to draw Reiki symbols is itself answered in the second degree of training, whose aim to enhance the potential practitioner's healing powers. Of course, the symbols used in Reiki training are in public domain (and there are websites that illustrate them), beating the notion that Reiki symbols may be secret symbols. Yet the fact that virtually anyone can draw the Reiki symbols does not obviate the need for the relevant training courses, as the drawing of the symbols has to be used alongside the relevant attunements if the symbols are to be effective in strengthening the healing properties of Reiki, while also making 'remote healing' that is, healing at distance, possible.

Among the symbols used in Reiki healing is the primary Reiki symbol, the Cho-Ku-Rei symbol, the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen and the Sei He Ki Symbol. It worth noting that some of these Reiki symbols are used solely in the Reiki training process, to confirm the conferment of the various attunements. And as many people seeking Reiki therapy are primarily facing mental and emotional problems, albeit often in subtle unobservable ways, the Sei He Ki symbol which is used in the clearance of such mental and emotional problem is another commonly drawn and used Reiki symbol in the Reiki healing practice.

5 Reiki Principles - 5 Valuable Reasons For Learning Reiki Online

Executive summary about reiki usui By 

There are five basic rules, the Japanese Meji Emperor had invented. Usui Sensei adored this man very much (some might know him in his young years from the movie "Last Samurai" with Tom Cruise) and so he applied these five principles to his Reiki path. Let's have a look, how they can serve our personal development in the western realm even today about 100 years after Reiki had been founded and took its way from traditional sittings with the master himself to advanced online courses available e.g. Since 2004 the Reikifriendship an internationally acknowledged Reiki School has been online:

1. Just for today - don't be angry! This first principle is probably one of the most misunderstood in the west. Simply and habitually expressing our anger will burn us internally, which can threaten our lives. So kind compassion is not some luxury for sunny Sundays, but basic life-saving insight. So the first reason for learning Reiki online is to be reminded daily that letting anger take over simply destroys our lives. Reiki has some smart suggestions how to get over it again and again.

2. Just for today - don't worry! This is another big one. As we all know from many self-development programs, worries are very contra-productive. Failure can be the immediate result, if we don't stop this negative trip right away. It's such a big help for us in these stressful times to remember again and again, that worries can kill our integrity and thus the basis of our health and wealth!

3. Just for today - be grateful! In the movie the Secret the say: "What you think about and thank about, you bring about!" So gratitude is one of the huge attractor factors for wealth, health, happiness and success. Gratitude is such a powerful gift, given to us by the 3rd principle, which in fact shows us how weak we were without it. It's so helpful, and you Won't want to miss this one another day!

4. Just for today - work hard on yourself! This one is a little more challenging to get, but not less important than the first three principles: If we don't take 100% responsibility, we won't achieve what we came here for. If we forget who is the most important person in our life, we can't master this principle: Ourselves! Working on others will only show poor results compared to what is possible if we take the full responsibility and live from that.

5. Just for today - be kind to everyone! This last principle of course also starts with me! If I'm not kind, friendly and compassionate with myself in the first place, my friendliness to others will be a mere gesture without life and power. Online we have the daily opportunity to practice kindness to ourselves and all other Reiki students.