What is a Reiki Attunement?

Executive summary about reiki usui By Roberta R. Barnes

What is a Reiki AttunementThe word attunement became a popular way to refer to opening another's pathway to universal energy around the 1980s. The dictionary meaning for attunement is being or bringing into harmony, or a feeling of being at one with another being. Being in harmony with anything requires balance within and being in a state able to receive. Therefore, to be opened to the form of energy commonly called Reiki you must be in a receiving mode, and no one can force Reiki on anyone.

The spiritual practice of Usui Reiki Ryoho uses one unique form of universal energy different from life force energy, which is why you must be opened to that form of universal energy by a qualified Reiki Shihan (teacher).

Each time you receive an initiation/empowerment/attunement from a Reiki Shihan (teacher) a shift happen es within your mind, body or spirit as your pathway to the universe opens a bit wider to allow more universal energy to flow through you. To completely open up to be one with the universe, which is beyond human comprehension, would take years of study, discipline, and practice.

Healing is a by-product of Usui Reiki Ryoho; the form of energy called Reiki balances and surrounds with harmony so that health and happiness can happen.

Once you have been opened to universal energy (attunement) and you have learned how to bench the logical mind and ego Reiki can flow into and enhance everything positive in your life.