Reiki is Not Difficult and has No Odd Rituals

By Roberta R. Barnes 

Is Reiki one of those fad things? Is it one of those things for the simple minded?

Simple minded, brainiacs, and such labels do not exist in the spiritual practice of Usui Reiki Ryoho, commonly called Reiki. Neither is it a new age fad. It is a practice using the vibrations of love and harmony of ageless universal energy. Many of the ideas Mikao Usui, the founder, blended into his practice are based upon things practiced for thousands of years, such things as the law of attraction.

Mikao Usui/Usui-Sensei/O-Sensei connected to the universal vibrations of love and harmony through a disciplined mediation, following three years of Zen studies in 1921. This was his second awakening. He first called the spiritual practice he created in 1922 my method/system. Later he called it Usui Reiki Ryoho. He passed on in his sleep the 9th day of March 1926 following a full day of giving sessions. He is sometimes called Dr. Usui, but he did not receive any doctorate; he followed a different path and openly shared his gift with others. He was a very intelligent and insightful man that spent his life searching for knowledge of all kinds.

People of all ages, all educational levels and an overwhelming number of occupations practice some style of Usui Reiki Ryoho. No style honoring the tradition of Usui Reiki Ryoho is difficult or has odd rituals. Various styles of Usui Reiki Ryoho are taught simply because once a person completes the level allowing him or her to teach they sometimes change the way in which he or she was taught. Nevertheless, the unique form of universal energy used has not changed. The form of the energy used is a combination of the vibrations of love and harmony of ageless universal energy.

When a person decides to study Usui Reiki Ryoho, what style he or she should study depends upon the direction in which he or she wishes to face in life. Reiki Shihans (teachers) are always pleased to show their certificates, and energy and technique lineage back to Mikao Usui, the founder.

If you feel you do not have the time to study, following one of the Mikao Usui's precepts, "no anxious worry". You can experience the benefits of Usui Reiki Ryoho without study. Simply schedule a Reiki healing session given by a person that has devoted time to study and practice. A healing session includes no odd rituals; you simply lie back and enjoy the relaxing energy of love and harmony flowing through all your cells. A Reiki healing session gives balance to your whole self and surrounds you with harmony. Some people schedule regular Reiki sessions to maintain homeostasis.

Various styles, such as those that have not strayed far from the spiritual roots Mikao Usui created, teach how to blend Reiki into every day life. As Reiki blends into your life it becomes like your breath, automatically flowing yet taking you into that peaceful altered state when you focus on it. The hours of study and practice might seem unappealing, but think of the quote, "If something is worth doing, it is worth doing right."

While Reiki is not something you can teach yourself, learn from a book, or download from the internet, it is not difficult. Hiroshi Doi, a member of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai says about Reiki, "nothing fishy, nothing odd, nothing difficult'". If you have heard unsettling things about Reiki reflect on Dr. H.C.F. Meyer. In the 1800s, he patented an oil he proved to be helpful for such things as snakebites. "Snake oil" has become a term for things that do not work because others altered Dr. Meyer's method using different herbs and procedures, but using the same name.

Y Usui Reiki Ryoho is a spiritual practice, but it is neither a belief system nor a religion. Reiki is best described as a journey of self-growth and self-healing, which touches others along the way.

Y Reiki is energy. The core of all our cells is energy. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) molecules are one of the most important biological compounds for all living organisms. The reason being is that these molecules serve as the direct source of energy for doing cellular work.

Y The meaning of Reiki can be broken down. "Rei" means something mysterious, miraculous, and sacred. "Ki" means the atmosphere of something unseen or the energy of the universe. "Ki" does in some instances means an individual's life force energy, however Reiki is universal energy. Universal energy is inexhaustible energy that can replenish life force energy as needed.

Y Science states energy can be neither created nor destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another. Reiki is a unique form of universal energy coming from the vibrations of love and harmony.

Y Reiki requires no directions; when it flows through a practitioner to the receiver, it knows where to go and what to do when it gets there. As Hiroshi Doi and Rev. Hyakuten Inamoto said in 2002, "Trust in Reiki".

Y Memorizing hand positions and symbols is not required. Reiki symbols are the finger pointing or the training wheels used by the teacher to aid the student in understanding the cords of energy that some cannot see, feel, smell, taste or hear. Symbols, techniques, and attunements are tools in each teacher's toolbox. The tools vary, and the use of those tools varies with different teachers. It is when devotion to study and practice are added to the tools that the masterpiece of embracing universal energy evolves.

Y The energy named Reiki will flow as soon as a person has received an attunement from a qualified Reiki Shihan (teacher). Once a person is invited/initiated into Reiki (attunement), he or she will never loose the connection to universal love and harmony.

Y Mikao Usui was Buddhist all his life, but the only similarities between Usui Reiki Ryoho and Buddhism are only discipline and practice. Anyone of any religion can practice Reiki.

Y Regardless of the style of Usui Reiki Ryoho practiced the form of energy named Reiki retains the same strength as long as the mind steps aside and allows it to flow uninterrupted. The actions, mindset, or the spirit of the person through which it flows can taint the flow of Reiki. Tainting or blocks can easily be removed by a focused hands-on technique given by a qualified Reiki Shihan (teacher).

Y Love and harmony do not harm any life form; nothing negative ever comes from any style honoring Usui Reiki Ryoho.

Y Reiki practitioners/teachers do not diagnose, manipulate tissues, nor prescribe any medications, changes in diet, or exercise, unless he or she holds a professional medical license. Reiki practitioners/teachers like herbalist try to educate and awaken the healer within each person. Reiki is a safe antidote for stress, but does not replace professional medical care. Reiki is complementary to professional medical care, and other healing modalities.

Y Reiki practitioners move his or her hands to gently rest on non-invasive areas guided by Byosen, the feel of inharmonic vibrations given off by the source of a disease or distressed cells. Reiki flows through hands, eyes, breath, and all pores, but sessions are most commonly hands-on with the client remaining clothed. Encumbrances in mind, body and spirit, which can cause emotional distress, are released in the way best for each individual, and positive energy then fills the void.

Y The Gokai (Reiki precepts or principles) is five simple lines. This is easy to remember and practice, and enriching to all areas of life.

Y Reiki will only flow as much as the cells receiving are capable of holding at that moment in time. Reiki will stop flowing when it is no longer required. The person allowing Reiki to flow to the imbalance of another cannot catch any imbalance unless it is a contagious disease.

Y Reiki practitioners do not take on the ills of others. Reiki Shihans (teachers) can easily tell anyone developing empathic abilities how to erase any distress he or she feels.

Y Reiki is a beautiful method of using universal energy to promote and speed healing via balance and harmony. While it requires time to assimilate, following the hours you spend with your teacher, you can practice wherever and when ever is good for you. Technology has added to the ease in learning by making our Reiki teachers available for our questions even after we have received our Reiki certificate.

Y Everyone has a healer within and some people have a natural ability to help others heal. The method Mikao Usui named Reiki Ryoho can enhance all when allowed to do.